Hotel services

Check in and check out

Hotels and apartments at Terme Olimia


 Hotel  Check in Check out
Hotel Breza****, Terme Olimiafrom 2 p.m.up to 11 a.m.
Wellness hotel Sotelia****s, Terme Olimiafrom 2 p.m.up to 11 a.m.
Vas Lipa***, Terme Olimiafrom 1 p.m.up to 10 a.m.
Aparthotel Rosa****, Terme Olimiafrom 1 p.m.up to 10 a.m.
Glamping Olimia Adria village, Terme Olimiafrom 2 p.m.up to 11 a.m.

Hotels at Terme Tuhelj


 Hotel Check in Check out
 Hotel Well****, Terme Tuhelj from 2 p.m. up to 11 a.m.
 Hostel Vila, Terme Tuhelj from 2 p.m. up to 11 a.m.


What is the meal that we start and finish with?

In case of a stay with halfboard you start with dinner and end with breakfast.

In case of a stay with full board you start with dinner and end with lunch.



Are bathrobes and towels for swimmingpools inculded in price?


 Hotel Breza****, Terme Olimiaboth in price
 Wellness hotel Sotelia****s, Terme Olimiaboth in price
 Glamping Olimia Adria village, Terme Olimiaboth in price
 Hotel Well****, Terme Tuheljboth in price
 Vas Lipa***, Terme Olimiatowels in price, bathrobe costs 7,50€ per stay
 Aparthotel Rosa****, Terme Olimiatowels in price, bathrobe costs 7,50€ per stay


Opening hours for saunas and swimmingpools


Family wellness Termalija, swimmingpools 
sun - thu: 8.00 - 22.00 
fri, sat: 8.00 - 24.00

Vodeni planet Terme Tuhelj, swimmingpools

 sun - thu: 8.00 – 22.00

Family wellness Termalija, saunas

fri, sat: 8.00 – 24.00
mon - thu: 11.00 – 22.00 
fri: 11.00 – 24.00 
sat: 10.00 – 24.00 
sun: 10.00 – 22.00Sauna world Terme Tuhelj
 mon - thu: 12.00 – 22.00

Wellness Orhidelia

fri, sat: 12.00 – 24.00
sun - thu: 9.00 - 22.00sun: 10.00 – 22.00
fri, sat: 9.00 - 24.00 




What is the cost for entrance to sauna world?

Sauna world in Terme Tuhelj for the guests of Terme Tuhelj: 13,00 € per person / day

Sauna world Family wellness Termalija for the guests of Terme Olimia: 12,00 € per person / day

What is the cost for entrance to Wellness Orhidelia?

Surcharge for a daily entrace (2 entrances):

monday - friday: 20,00 € per person / day

saturday, sunday, holidays: 29,00 € per person / day

What is the cost for a baby cot in the room?

10,00 € / day.

What is the cost for and additional meal (lunch, dinner)?

Hotel Breza****: 20,00 € for extra lunch or dinner

Hotel Well****: 20,00 € for extra lunch or dinner

Wellness hotel Sotelia****s: 25,00 € for extra lunch or dinner


Can I get a vegetarian or a gluten-free meal?

Hotel buffets always have vegetarian and gluten-free meals, if you have any limitations regarding food please let us know upon your arrival at the front desk.

When is breakfast, lunch, dinner?

Hotel Breza****

Breakfast 7:00 – 10:00 a.m.
Lunch 12:00 - 2:00 p.m.
Dinner 6:00 – 9:00 p.m.

Wellness hotel Sotelia****s:

Breakfast 7:00 – 10:00 a.m.
Dinner 6:30 – 9:00 p.m.


Hotel Well****

Breakfast 7:00 – 10:00 a.m.
Lunch 12:00 - 2:00 p.m.
Dinner 7:00 – 9:00 p.m


What are the payment methods?

We take cash and cards (Activa, Maestro, Mastercard, Visa, Diners and American Express). 

Do we offer installment payments?

Installment payment is possible only at Termah Tuhelj, max. 3 charges with American Express card.